Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Inspires me?

I've been asked so many times how I got into cupcakes. It's a fair question. It all started with a little TV Show called "Ace of Cakes" and my  personal hero Duff! It absolutely amazed me these "works of art" he created. But what shocked me most was how he put his heart and soul into something that was gobbled up in just a few bites! I thought "This guys GOTTA be nuts!!". My nieces birthday was coming up and although I have never been known as a family member who shows up with yummy food, I decided to bake cupcakes. I made a dozen Elmos and a dozen cookie monsters.....


I was amazed at how impressed people were and I was even asked "how much do you charge?". " You mean I can get PAID for this?!?!" What didn't shock me was how hard it was to watch my little monsters disappear in just a bite or two. I'm learning to get better at that...or just leave before I see it! lol

It wasn't until this past year that I started exploring with Flavors. up until then my main focus was design. What I learned was that, although presentation was important, it would be the taste that set me apart from everyone else. I love me some sweets, so when I start craving something i write it down and before I know it, I've created a new recipe!

Now, when it comes time to bake, my environment is incredibly crucial to the process of my creations. First, I completely clean my entire kitchen. Then I slip into my most favorite apron. Then comes the most important....turning on one of my "Peggy Lee" records on the record player. i just cannot create without her. She has inspired me since i was a little girl.

I have had many people write me and tell me that they have started their own cupcake business because of watching me. The greatest compliment one can receive is to know they have in some way inspired others. The thing is, every person I come in contact with inspires me! so thank you and keep your eyes open for my next inspiration!
